Meal plan – cleanse week

Posted By: Katelyn/ 0 Comments/ Under: Health, Uncategorized

I love to travel. My travel bug is a huge part of who I am and always rearing to go on the next adventure. Whether it’s Siem Reap or Atlanta, I just love being in a different city and exploring what is has to offer. But I also like to eat healthy, and that can be hard to do when you are on the go. We spent the last four days in Atlanta visiting family, eating delicious food and drinking wine. We were supposed to be headed home on Sunday, but BB got an ear infection so we pushed our flight home until today. When we get home we will be unpacking and then packing up again in a few short weeks to head to Florida for a beach vacation. So we desperately need to squeeze a little cleanse into the time we are home.

We don’t diet. Our goal isn’t losing weight or burning more calories throughout the day. But we do want to eat healthier, feel energized, and kick start healthier habits. Plus, I just love food too much to do crazy fad diets or limits my intake to liquids. So to cleanse this week we are eating EXTRA clean and avoiding all of these:

  • Alcohol (if you want to be super intense, you can avoid coffee too but I just can’t sorry)
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Red meat (we will still give BB some red meat, so she gets all her vitamins and minerals)
  • Butter
  • Dairy (BB gets dairy too)
  • Refined, white carbohydrates and sugars (pastries, cookies, crackers, candy, sugary drinks, white pasta/bread, etc.)
  • Processed oils (sticking to olive oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, etc.)
  • Anything at a restaurant – for some people like me, avoiding restaurants all together is almost impossible. In the past, this has been the perfect excuse to “start next week.” If I know I have dinners or lunches planned out, I would just admit defeat and say I can put off eating clean until the next week. But the next week will come and I will have more plans. This week I know I have two meals out for lunch meetings that I just cannot avoid, but thankfully they are at a very healthy restaurant with lots of options that stick to my no no list. So if you have to eat out, try to pick a place with healthier options.

+ we are trying out something new we have never done to give our bodies the extra kick they need to get back to a healthy place.

Until a couple months ago, I had never heard the term “intermittent fasting.” Then I started hearing it everywhere: reading about it on blogs, on Pinterest, and even hearing people talk about it at the gym. So I did some research and it sounds interesting to me. From some basic research (not an expert here) sounds like the claimed benefits are:

Human growth hormone levels increase in the body

Stimulates cellular repair

Genes can even begin to change to protect from certain diseases

Reduces oxidative stress ( oxidative stress can contribute to cancer, and diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s

Reduces inflammation

May improve heart health

Insulin levels drop which stimulates fat burning (also lowers your risk of type II diabetes)

Increases the growth of new nerve cells which helps brain function

So what is intermittent fasting? It basically just means fasting for between 8-16 hours at a time. Well, most of us already do this at night for a minimum of 8 hours. But Blake and I are trying to push it to at least 12 hours at a time. For me, fasting before I go to bed is a lot easier than fasting when I wake up in the morning. I am prone to getting lightheaded/fainting, so I try to eat a little something as soon as I wake up. But we are trying to cut off all snacking/eating by 7pm every night to fast from 7pm-7am every morning.

This is pretty easy for our family because we eat like senior citizens. I like a big and filling dinner, but I hate feeling so full late at night. So we almost always eat dinner between 5-530 (both of our jobs are odd hours, so we are able to accommodate such an early dinner). When we both worked in an office until much later, we made lunch our primary large meal and stuck to a much smaller meal when we got home from the office.

Almost every night I need a little snack when BB goes down at 7, then I brush my teeth which usually prevents me from sneaking back into the pantry cabinet.

One major bummer, intermittent fasting includes drinks (besides water) so teas, coffee and wine (gasp) are out during your fasting hours. Obviously, doing this every day of the week just ain’t feasible, but we are trying to do it as frequently as possible.

So here is our (actually doable) extra clean meal plan that packs in nutrients and calories between 7am and 7pm everyday. With the exception of our Friday night dinner, everything is made and prepped by the end of Tuesday, the rest of the week is leftovers! So it is realistic for when life gets hectic.

MONDAY *life intervened and BB came down with a terrible ear infection in atlanta :(, so we pushed our flight until Monday…so we are pushing back the start date until Tuesday 


Oatmeal (I will make a big batch of steel cut oatmeal on Monday so we have it ready to eat all week long in the fridge) + blueberries


Smoked trout salad or tuna salad (smoked trout, dill, chives, lemon, 1 tbsp organic mayo, capers + gg crackers) or (tuna, dill, onion, celery salt, 1 tbsp organic mayo + gg crackers)


Escarole + apple + walnuts + scallions + grilled chicken – marinade is olive oil, garlic and worcestershire sauce (I grill all the chicken for the rest of the week Monday night)





Oatmeal + blueberries


Lentil salad (premade lentils from trader joes) + red onion + cherry tomatoes, dressing is 1 tbsp dijon mustard, juice of 1 lemon, 1 tbsp EVOO, 2 tbsp red wine vinegar, 1 tbsp roughly chopped italian parsley  – this salad holds over well so I make enough for the rest of the week


Escarole caesar salad (dressing is EVOO + lemon juice + anchovy paste + fresh garlic + salt and pepper) with baked salmon – trying my brother in law’s salmon recipe this week, honey + olive oil + chipotle powder (I make enough salmon for the rest of the week)


Veggies (carrots + watermelon radish + broccoli)



Oatmeal + blueberries


Smoked trout salad or tuna salad + gg crackers


Escarole + apple + walnuts + scallions + grilled chicken


Orange + walnuts



Oatmeal + blueberries


Lentil salad + gg crackers


Caesar salad + salmon





Oatmeal + blueberries


Your choice of leftovers


Open faced fried egg sandwich (whole wheat toast) + avocado + no nitrate turkey bacon + red onion + tomato + garlic powder  (anyone else a big fan of breakfast for dinner? since it’s friday night, we will want something extra yummy)


Orange + walnuts

Grocery list


red onion





italian parsley







escarole (lots of this, I will buy 4 heads!)


4 salmon portions

4 chicken breasts

smoked trout or tuna

gg crackers

anchovy paste

walnuts (something I always keep in my cabinet, just happen to be out)

red wine vinegar (usually have this too)

lentils (I buy the pre-made packaged lentils from Trader Joe’s, so I will make a special stop for that! they last for a while, so when I go to Trader Joe’s I usually stock up)


dijon mustard



olive oil




worcestershire sauce

carrots & watermelon radish

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