self care

Posted By: Katelyn/ 0 Comments/ Under: Health

wearing calvin klein top + joggers


It’s monday and the to do list is long, so my brain is on overdrive. I hate starting the week in a frenzy, so I am trying to make it a habit to build time into my Mondays for some self care. Whether it’s 15 minutes, an hour or an entire day, we all deserve a little self care and should make it priority. If I don’t take the time to do it on Monday, the week gets away from me and I say “I’ll try again next week.”

Here are some easy ways to build a little self care into your day:

Make yourself a cup of coffee or tea and actually ENJOY it

One of my greatest pleasures everyday is my cup of coffee. But life gets so hectic with a toddler that I end up reheating it 90 times in a day and never take the time to actually finish it, let alone enjoy the act of drinking my coffee. This morning I told Blake I was sitting on the couch and not getting up until I finished my coffee. Let me tell you, that tiny thing first thing on a monday morning was absolutely glorious. I felt like a new person ready to take on this week! Set your alarm a half hour early, make a cup of coffee and take that extra half hour to really enjoy your morning cup of joe before kicking off the day!

Take the time to plan out your week, make a to do list, or any type of list that makes you happy

This is a form of self care for me. I love my daily planner and I love making lists. So taking the time to sit down at the table with my planner open and thinking about the week ahead does wonders for my stress levels. If you are a planner and list maker, take it an extra step and buy THIS book. I got this at a holiday grab bag I do with my girl friends every year. To be honest, it sat unopened for a couple months because I kept telling myself I didn’t have enough time. We all have time, it is just a matter of what we prioritize. Do yourself a favor and get this book and make the time to actually use it. It is 52 Lists for Happiness and I am now obsessed and telling everyone I know about it. One day when I finally tackled a stack in my room that has been sitting there since Christmas, I opened it up and the first “list” I came across was: List the things in your life you are actually able to control. This is something I am not good at, letting go of things outside my control. But it didn’t just stop at the list, the book them asks you to TAKE ACTION. The “take action” command for that list was:

cross off anything that involves other people. ultimately the only things you are going to be able to control are your own actions and choices, and you’ll feel better if you can spend less time worrying about the things you can’t control. if you feel stressed this week, look at this list and allow your mind to focus on what you can control in a healthy manner rather than what is outside of your control.

Another list that hit close to home, List the things you like to do that don’t involve technology. This book might as well be titled 52 Lists for Katelyn’s Happiness. It cuts to the chase, asks hard questions and really is just an amazing book. HIGHLY recommend it! And it makes an awesome little gift for someone.

Buy some new + amazing sweats

I don’t know about you, but the moment I walk in the door, I change into comfy clothes. So I can justify investing in some amazing sweats ;). I am newly obsessed with THIS sweatshirt because it can be worn at home as cozy sweats/jammies or out and about! I sized up on THESE sweatpants so they are extra comfy and cozy. Comfy + cute always wins in my book. I rounded up some of my favorites below the post!

Take an indulgent bubble bath

Hi, I am Katelyn and I am a bath person. I rarely make it through an entire day without a bath. But they are usually quick or with BB. BB baths are fun and include so many of my favorite parenting moments with her, but they are not the relaxing, indulgent bubble bath this mama needs sometimes. When I have some time for myself, my all-time favorite thing to do is dim the lights, light a few candles, pour in some of my favorite FRENCH LAVENDER bubble bath and read a book.

Splurge on a better bottle of wine

Blake and I are not nightly wine drinkers. We might have two glasses every week. So on those nights when we are going to really enjoy a glass of wine together (or solo) we splurge for a great bottle of wine. If you are the nightly wine drinker, on that night when you are really going to devote some time to self care, spring for that bottle of wine you know you are going to love! Cozying up with a great book and a better glass of wine is one of my favorite ways to get some r&r.

Chill + Meditate

Blake and I have been trying to make some form of meditation a part of our day for over a year now. But life, babies, work, and stress always seem to get in the way. Chill is the solution to all my problems. I am going to do a full feature on them in a month or so, but I wanted to let you know a little about it since you will be seeing it on my stories and instagram for the next couple months! I have been walking past their GORGEOUS studio front for about a year now and kept telling myself I NEED to stop in here and figure out what it is all about. I finally had a moment to myself and booked a class and instantly fell in love.

Chill is spa meets yoga meets meditation meets millennials. They are approaching meditation in a totally different way. No chakras, no oms, no incents…this is meditation for type As and people who frankly would roll their eyes at meditation. Their studio just exudes calm. The moment I walk into Chill, my stress melts away. I will walk you through their entire studio + all the classes they have to offer soon! But in the meantime, check out their website and stop in for a class! Their full schedule is HERE! Whether you’ve never meditated a minute in your life or you’re a seasoned pro, they have something for you. Meditation to help you sleep, find clarity at work, yoga + meditation and even retreats!

Go to bed early

Get into bed 30 minutes earlier than usual, ditch the phone (seriously, plug it in across the room so you are not tempted to pick it up) and read a great book or turn on your favorite show.




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