the beginner’s guide to working out from home

Posted By: Katelyn/ 0 Comments/ Under: Health, Uncategorized

Working out from home is not something I have ever really enjoyed doing. I didn’t start doing it consistently until BB was born and it became a necessity. Sometimes, getting out of the house for a workout is just not an option, so I am learning to love my home workouts and do them in different and fun ways.

If you’re new to working out from home and ready to do it consistently, there are two things you should invest in.
(1) free weights: I use these almost every day, even on days when I don’t do a full workout I still try to get an arm set in. I have a couple different weights at home, 5 & 10 lbs, but I made do with 5 lbs for a long time. So I would start there!
(2) a yoga mat: definitely a necessity for workouts at home
Once you’re really serious about working out at home (and if you have the space to store it) I would add in:
(3) a jump rope
(4) a kettle bell
(5) a bosu ball
When you’re working out at home, it is too easy to get distracted. My computer is right there, a delicious snack is waiting in the fridge, there are dishes to do or laundry to fold. So staying focused is half the battle. Block in your workout time, just like going to a class or the gym, and stick to it. If you have to, set the timer in your kitchen or on your phone to keep you honest. During those 20,30,40 or 60 minutes, stay focused and rip through your workout without distractions.
There are SO many recourses nowadays for working out at home. Apps, websites, subscription services, you name it. If that works best for you, enroll in a service. For me, I like to do my own version of a workout so I can cater it to my needs that day. If I’ve already gotten in a lot of cardio that week, I do weighted exercises. If I need some more cardio, I focus on that.
To get you started, here is the workout I did earlier this week. We left for Boston today, so I only made it to one workout class this week. So I had to squeeze in a quick sweat at home. When I workout from home, the goal is to do it quickly and get as much out of it as possible! This exercise hits the big muscle groups, arms, abs, butt, legs and should get your heart pumping if you do it in quick succession. I did it straight through, no breaks and I was sweating and out of breathe by the end! I added quick youtube clips of each exercise if you needed a refresh!
 Warm up
Whenever I workout at home, my warmup is always 5 minutes of sun a salutations. If you are new to yoga, here is a video example of the sun flow HERE. I do them fast (way faster than shown in this video) and it is the perfect warmup for me. My heart rate is up and my biceps are burning by the end of 5 minutes. If that’s not for you, a few stretches and jumping jacks work too.
10 push-ups (I do mine with elbows in, I am prone to neck injuries so this version is easier on my neck, video HERE)
10 single leg dead lift, video HERE, on each side with 5lb weights
20 double leg V ups, video HERE, you can do single leg if you’re just getting back into working out
10 burpees, video HERE
1 minute plank or stair climbers, video HERE
1 minute tricep curls (I do as many as I can in 1 minute, while keeping good form)
I do this sequence 3 times straight through (minus the warmup)!

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