Staying motivated

Posted By: Katelyn/ 1 Comment/ Under: Health, Parenting

Whether you’re a working mom, stay at home mom, married, single as fluff or somewhere in between, sometimes, it is hard to stay motivated. Life gets hectic, and diet, fitness and sometimes sanity take the back seat. For the Geoffrion house, summer is always on overdrive. We run from one thing to the next and it feels like we are always packing or unpacking a suitcase. This week has been one of those weeks. I have so much to do, so little time, and it makes me want to stay in bed and throw out my to-do list.

Since BB came into the picture, some things naturally have taken the backseat. The fridge isn’t as immaculate as it used to be, I can’t remember the last time I read a non-baby related book, and my weekly manicures are now (if I am lucky) monthly. But, I try to find little ways to stay motivated and find time for myself. Somehow, it is already the Fourth of July next week and I do not know where the time has gone. So, I am reminding myself to slow down and sharing some tips for staying motivated when life gets crazy.

(1) Set (attainable) goals
I am very goal oriented. If I am not working towards something, I tend to slack off. Setting mini goals for myself works wonders. This month, I set a workout goal for myself, which included diversifying a little outside of soul cycle. I also set baby goals. For example, one different developmental activity every day this week. I even set mini goals throughout the day like (1) unload the dishwasher while I feed BB breakfast every morning (2) power clean during naptime (3) get dressed before noon (jk, kind of). Those little things make me feel accomplished.

(2) Reward yourself
We all have to reward ourselves sometimes. For me, that might mean I buy myself those new sunglasses I have been coveting if and only if I stay under my shopping budget for the month. Or, I can indulge in whatever sweet treat I want if I stick to my workout goal this week. BTW, I just texted Blake asking him to bring me home some froyo. I workout out today, so it’s ok ;). My mom used bribery (quite effectively) as a parenting tactic, so I am hardwired to succeed when some reward hangs in the balance. I also plan to use bribery as a parenting tactic.

(3) Meal plan
If I don’t meal plan, we end up eating out every single meal, which gets expensive and takes a toll on your diet. Every Sunday night, I surf pinterest and make a meal plan in my head. But, know yourself and your limits. Sometimes, I forget I am not Rick Bayless and I overcommit. Five gourmet meals a week is a little much, so set a realistic menu (for us this always includes one meal out and some leftovers lunches).

(4) Make time for yourself
This goes for everyone, even you mamas who feel like it’s near impossible. We all need time for ourselves, even if it is a half hour to grab a coffee and some peace and quiet. You can’t be a good mom, friend, wife, or colleague if you don’t put yourself first sometimes. For me, this means saying no on occasion. You can’t do EVERYTHING.

(5) Find a workout you LOVE
If you follow me on instastories, you know I am that girl that is OBSESSED with Soul Cycle. Before Soul Cycle, working out was something I did and enjoyed on occasion. Now, I cannot wait to get to my Soul Cycle class. My workout schedule goes on the calendar before anything else, I follow my favorite instructors on instagram, and I feel it is my mission in life to convert others to full on soul addiction. So, find a workout that doesn’t feel like work.

(6) Prioritize
My to-do list is never ending. And I am convinced it will be neverending until the end of time. When I have so much to do, sometimes I do nothing. So, I pick my top three for the week. This week, it is (1) finishing my “spring” closet cleanout which has been underway for a month now, (2) clean out the freezer, and (3) make and freeze healthy snack packs for BB for our trip to Michigan next week.

(7) Set a schedule
I used to hate schedules. Who wants their whole life planned out? Now, I have to operate off of a loose schedule every week. Every day, BB has some version of the same schedule. Getting BB on a schedule was everything. I know when she is eating, napping and going down for the night. Naturally, her needs have to come first. But now I know when I can fill in some time for myself.

(8) Stay active
If you travel a lot like we do, staying healthy and fit can be hard. I have to be honest, when we are on vacation I rarely go to the gym. BUT, I do always stay active. Whether it’s long walks on the beach, morning beach yoga, skiing, or just chasing BB around, I make an effort to plan daily activity into our trips.

(9) Don’t compare yourself to others
In this world of instagram, snapchat and whatever else is out there, it is really easy to compare ourselves to those “perfect” lives we see on camera. I mean, you don’t post the worst part of your day on instagram, do you? Neither does Beyonce.

(10) Give yourself 3 days
We all have bad habits, and they can be really hard to break. I believe it takes 3 days to kick a bad habit or start a good habit. The first day is the hardest and it is so easy to say “let’s just start tomorrow.” Whatever it might be, kicking sugar, caffeine, getting active, or getting to bed earlier, three days is all it takes. Get through that first day, the second day is easier, and by the third day it’s a walk in the park. This week, I am working on curbing my sugar addiction. After every meal, I crave something sweet (hence the request for froyo). The first day is ALWAYS the hardest. But by day 3, I don’t crave it anymore.

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