Flying with a baby

Posted By: Katelyn/ 1 Comment/ Under: BFK Travel Guides, Travel with Babes

I have never understood couples who say, “we aren’t ready for kids, we still want to travel.” I have the travel bug and it didn’t go anywhere just because we had a baby. BB is now 10 months and we just took her 14th flight. She had flown to Europe and all over the US. I believe that if you think traveling with kids will be hard, then it will be hard. We have never let it scare us or stop us from traveling, and luckily, we haven’t had any disaster travel experiences, yet!

Although she has flown so many times, each time she has been at a different age and stage developmentally. I would love to tell you that we are now experts and have it down to a science, but babies don’t work that way. But, I can share 10 tips we have found helpful.


Fly early and often.

BB’s very first flight was a long-haul flight to Barcelona. She was about 10 weeks old and she slept the entire time. Things have only gotten harder from there. We had so many people tell us we were crazy to travel with an infant, but it was the easiest trip we have taken with her, thus far. I will share more tips about flying with an infant in a later post.


You know your baby best.

I read every blog I could find about traveling with a baby before we took BB on her first trip. The most popular recommendation is flying at night, supposedly the baby will be tired and sleep the entire flight. Maybe some lucky parent out there boards an evening flight and enjoys a glass of wine while their kid catches some zzzs. That has not been our experience. BB does MUCH better flying earlier in the day. You know your baby, pick the time of day when your child is happiest.


Remain calm.

We have taken flights where we are frantic, rushing through the airport, bags everywhere, your basic nightmare. Kids pick up on that, and no one likes a frantic baby.


Check as much as you can.

Have as many free hands as possible. I always wear BB through the airport, so we check her car seat, stroller, and just about everything but a diaper bag or backpack. Which brings me to my next tip…


Use a backpack as your diaper bag.

Especially, if you are traveling alone with a baby. Again, free hands are key. It also makes certain necessities, like going to the bathroom, much easier. Unless you plan to hand your baby off to a stranger in the next stall, keep wearing your baby and backpack and work those thigh muscles.


Distractions, oh so many distractions.

The first couple flights, our diaper bag was bursting with enough diapers and formula to survive a month on a desert island. Unless you are traveling to some extremely exotic or remote location, pack enough diapers and formula for your travel day and put the rest in your checked luggage. If your luggage gets lost, god forbid, you can run to the closest grocery store. Fill that diaper bag with some favorite toys. And, when in need, resort to the safety pamphlet.


Pack a change of clothes, for mama and baby.

Between boarding our flight to Barcelona and takeoff, BB had a major blowout that got all over me. Luckily, I always pack a change of clothes when I am on a long-haul flight. Now, I pack a change of clothes even if we are just flying an hour. Also, make sure to pack a wet-bag for any dirty clothes.


The 24 hours before the flight are the most important.

Before BB, I usually spent the day before traveling packing or running errands. Now, all packing and errands are done two days before, so the entire day before can be devoted to maintaining her nap schedule and bedtime. We also try to have a very relaxing day before travel. No play-dates or things that could throw her off schedule.


Feed during takeoff.

Whatever your preferred method of feeding, bottle or breast, do it during takeoff. Luckily, we have not had a problem with her ears. But, we have sat a few rows away from some sorry sucker who forgot to feed their baby during takeoff. It was a rough flight.


Get over the germs.

Our first couple flights, I disinfected every single surface. The airplane seats, the tray tables, the seatbelt, and god forbid I let her touch the magazines in the seat pocket, her hands would be sanitized in an instant. Now that she is past the infant stage, I just cringe and let her play til her heart’s content with every germ-laden safety pamphlet.

I linked our travel essentials, below.

Travel and travel often!

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